
Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Supports World Environment Day 2014


HONG KONG, June 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (BV CPS) has announced it will again celebrate and support the World Environment Day (WED) on the 5th June. This is the 6th year that BV CPS has supported the WED initiatives throughout its worldwide locations. WED is the United Nations' principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and actions in support of the environment. It is an annual event aimed at drawing global attention for positive environmental actions.

BV CPS' Head Office in Hong Kong and the India Head Office in Noida have both received LEED Gold certification awarded by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC)*. These prestigious awards recognize Bureau Veritas' achievements in meeting the Gold rating that addresses sustainable design of the facilities across six categories -- sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, as well as innovation in design.

To echo the WED theme this year, Bureau Veritas is launching a company-wide campaign to educate its employees and raise awareness on the issues of climate change adaptation.

A series of activities scheduled to honor the WED around the world include:

  • "Worldwide Green Office Best Practice": Since 2011, the "Green Office" practice has been implemented in Bureau Veritas' CPS locations worldwide. In harmony with WED, the Hong Kong Head Office has commenced an "Energy Conservation Initiative Program" and all locations have significantly reduced paper, electricity and lighting consumption. Additionally, BV CPS labs in Germany have implemented a series of new environmental friendly workplace initiatives including the use of water-saving faucets, and general light switches in the offices; installation of bicycle racks for employees bicycling to work, etc.
  • "Global Warming Information Campaign": On 5th June, an internal information campaign on the best practices to reduce the global warming in daily life at work will be organized in BV CPS' European locations. Similar talks and movies on global warming and eco-friendly best practices are to be conducted amongst other Bureau Veritas locations.
  • "Best Suggestion Competition": During May, competitions for the most original and innovative ideas of WED activities to support the World Environment Day were conducted amongst Bureau Veritas locations worldwide. Prizes were given for the winning participants at locations worldwide.
  • "Fund Raising Campaign": BV CPS in Hong Kong is going to organize a fund raising day on 5th June to raise funds for a local environmental-advocacy association which aims to safeguard the environmental resources in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the planet by promoting environmental education and taking a lead in community participation.
  • "Meat-free Day": For the 4th consecutive year, BV CPS Taiwan has implemented a regular non-meat luncheon served during the first week of the month. This monthly event encourages employees to consider the effects of carbon emissions from food production and heightens awareness of individual's carbon footprint, helping the team make informed decisions about food choice. Similarly, Hong Kong will organize a "Meat-free Day for employees on the WED, 5th June. 
  •  "Unwanted Clothes Collection": BV CPS in the UK has been organizing a collection of unwanted clothes throughout May and June. Employees are encouraged to bring in their unwanted clothes to be collected and recycled by a specialized textiles recycling company whom will export the best recycled garments for second-hand resale. Recycling textiles has a positive impact on the environment. Indeed, by collecting and re-using 1kg of clothing, one can reduce 3.6kg of Co2 emissions; 6,000 liters of water consumption; 0.3kg of use of fertilizers and 0.2kg of use of pesticides. In the UK, textiles make up to 12% of landfill sites**.
  • "Preserve Our Wetlands Trip": BV CPS in Buffalo, USA will visit the local Tifft Nature Preserve to plant trees and shrubs as well as to remove invasive species on 6th June. This is the sixth consecutive year that Bureau Veritas has participated in this activity to help preserve the ecological balance of the Nature Reserve.

Other special events at Bureau Veritas locations around the globe include:

  • The sharing of home grown fruits with employees and purchase of local produces.
  • The installation of book shelves in the social room for book exchange.
  • The collection of unwanted clothes or used clothes for charity donation.
  • The carrying out of lights-out event during lunch time on or before the WED.
  • The planting of trees in office premises and funding of tree plantation in the communities.
  • The carrying out of various competitions including poster designs, slogan, speech photographs and painting contests, article submission, etc. for the best ideas of promoting eco-friendly best practices.   
  • The circulation of an email notice of WED to employees.
  • The use of an electronic slogan in email signatures and poster displays in the offices promoting the WED.

Oliver Butler, President of Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, commented: "As a sustainability solutions provider, Bureau Veritas is delighted to participate and to contribute to these WED initiatives, promoting the importance of conservation of natural resources as well as sustainable consumption on World Environment Day and throughout the year."

*LEED (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the "defacto" standard for green buildings, developed and administrated by USGBC.

**Source: WRAP, "Valuing our clothes" Report, 2012.

Source: Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services