
Taiwan Expo Online Live on Nov 25th

2020-11-20 14:36 2489

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Nov. 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Going online from November 25-27th, Taiwan and Malaysia can jointly explore endless business opportunities during the fourth consecutive year of TAIWAN EXPO in MALAYSIA!

The organizer, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), stated that this year's Taiwan Expo will exhibit 7 major pillars, including Taiwan Food, Taiwan Lifestyles, Health Care & Beauty, Gadgets & Green Tech, Industry 4.0, Tourism and Halal Taiwan. Additionally, there'll be 13 themed pavilions.

One of the most unique pavilions is the "Taiwan Global Anti-Covid-19 Pavilion". TAITRA has integrated over 2,000 Taiwanese epidemic prevention businesses and 20 medical institutions to share about Taiwan's experiences in epidemic prevention, providing industry players a platform to discuss about collaboration opportunities.

Using VR technology, visitors will be able to enjoy the sensory experiences of attending an on-site Taiwan Expo and view the products in a 360-degree angle. Throughout the three days, buyers can also use the "chat now" function to contact the company's representative immediately.

As for activities, five webinars will be conducted, respectively about smart medical, green products, Taiwan's halal products, and more. The annual Taiwan Excellence Awards Ceremony will also be broadcasted in Malaysia in the morning of November 26th. Furthermore, there will be online business matching as well. Buyers who sign up for any one-on-one online trade meeting will have the opportunity to participate in an exclusive lucky draw!

To provide a glimpse of this year's Taiwan Expo, here are some of the highlighted products: Innovative green energy from Sun Rise's Solar Floating System that provides high efficiency of power generation on water surfaces. In addition, Taiwan Excellence Pavilion will showcase high-tech medical treatments, like MERITS' Multi-Rehab Function Power Wheelchair, Asiatic Fiber's Wearable E-Massage Textile and other products. The Health Care Pavilion will also gather many well-known hospitals to share their latest medical solutions, such as Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, "National Cheng Kung University Hospital", Taipei Medical University, Tzu Chi Hospital and more.

Changhua Hardware Pavilion's automatic sensor faucet with soap dispenser 2-in-1 function will also be present, featuring no touch technology to prevent bacteria breeding. Furthermore, 19 halal products will be exhibited too, including halal-certified snacks, raw materials and condiments. Among them, Hi Duo's Tapioca Milk Tea Raw Material Service Manufacturing provides various materials for supply chain factory.

For more information, please contact Kuala Lumpur Taiwan Trade Center: +60 (3) 20312388 or

Source: TAITRA