
Novel Solar-Cell Processing Key to Low-Cost Solar Power

2011-08-02 07:00 10448

A new report from PHOTON Consulting, The True Cost of Solar Power: The Pressure's On, reveals how techniques to improve solar-cell efficiency are an increasing focus of cost-leading manufacturers

BOSTON, Aug. 2, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- While Chinese and Taiwanese solar-cell manufacturers have made considerable progress driving down photovoltaic manufacturing costs, commercializing next-generation cell technologies to achieve cost-effective conversion efficiency differentiation is a critical priority for market participants, says PHOTON Consulting's new global solar-supply-chain cost study, The True Cost of Solar Power: The Pressure's On. According to the study, the push to reduce costs has turned to small, technology-driven increases in solar-cell conversion efficiencies to decrease supply chain $/W costs.

In the past year, cell manufacturers have increasingly begun to incorporate novel techniques and turnkey equipment in their production lines, including approaches such as selective-emitter fabrication, heterojuntion cells, novel metallization inks, back/point-contact cells, and emitter-wrap-through architectures.

"Many capital equipment upgrades offer average commercial cell efficiency increases of only 0.1-0.5%, and require relatively high upfront investment," says PHOTON Consulting consultant and study co-author, Chris Bolman. "But there are a few clear winners in the space.  Moreover, our three year view is that the adoption growth of next-generation cell fabrication tools will play a key role in driving the industry's manufacturing technology roadmap and reshaping manufacturer's competitive differentiation."

PHOTON Consulting's True Coststudy details the latest cost benchmarks at each step of the solar supply chain, spanning polysilicon to solar project development, from a research team that has collectively completed over 100 solar manufacturing site visits. Directed toward solar-industry executives, managers, investors and other interested parties, The True Cost of Solar Power: The Pressure's On is a powerful reference tool covering all aspects of solar cost.

PHOTON Consulting will donate 2% of True Cost 2011 report sales to Grid Alternatives, a non-profit installer of solar-energy systems.

To view the executive summary, table of contents and purchase PHOTON Consulting's 2011 cost benchmarking report, please visit The True Cost of Solar Power: The Pressure's On.


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Source: PHOTON Consulting