
Fusionex Managing Director Ivan Teh Wins the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Award at the 2014 Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony

2014-09-05 15:00 4139

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sept. 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Fusionex Managing Director Mr. Ivan Teh was honoured in the Asia Pacific region by winning the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Award at the recent 2014 Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony held recently at The Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Inset: Ivan Teh, Fusionex Managing Director (Middle) receiving the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Award from Tan Sri Datuk Seri Dr. Fong Chan Onn, Chairman of Enterprise Asia (right), together with Dato’ William Ng, President of Enterprise Asia (left) at the prestigious 2014 APEA Awards Ceremony held at the Grand Hyatt, Kuala Lumpur.
Inset: Ivan Teh, Fusionex Managing Director (Middle) receiving the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Award from Tan Sri Datuk Seri Dr. Fong Chan Onn, Chairman of Enterprise Asia (right), together with Dato’ William Ng, President of Enterprise Asia (left) at the prestigious 2014 APEA Awards Ceremony held at the Grand Hyatt, Kuala Lumpur.

The Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award (APEA) is a regional awards and recognition program for outstanding entrepreneurs across Asia Pacific, honouring male and female business leaders that have proven their enterprising spirit in the various industries that they participate in, whilst not neglecting their corporate social responsibilities.

Assessment by judges for the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur category is based on strict criteria; in particular, judges were required to assess whether the candidate for this award possessed the necessary entrepreneurial attributes to enable him/her to be a role model for future entrepreneurs as well as having the right temperament; the necessary tenacity, perseverance as well as other key qualities to continue inspiring, innovating and making a difference under adverse situations and environments.

Fusionex is one of the largest and most exciting IT company in the region with its arsenal of state-of-the-art products/solutions centred around business analytics and Big Data, many of which have won numerous regional as well as global awards and recognitions. In December 2012, Fusionex was listed on the London Stock Exchange as the largest technology IPO of the year, and was significantly oversubscribed with overwhelming interest from investors.

When asked to share his thoughts on being named as Most Outstanding Entrepreneur of the year, Mr. Teh commented, "I am humbled and pleasantly surprised to receive this great honour. This award is especially meaningful as it is not just about individual recognition, but more importantly this award serves as an endorsement of our [Fusionex] team's talent, commitment and unquenchable passion that has driven all the innovation and success of Fusionex thus far. It is therefore only fitting that I dedicate this award to the 'Fantastic Fusionex' team; the strong partners and stakeholders whose confidence in us has been a pillar of strength; as well as our customers for the continuous support. This award will certainly spur our team to work even harder to reach greater heights, and to further excel at what we do. Thank you for this amazing recognition!"

The APEA has made its mark in over 12 markets in the region, making it the widest, most prestigious and accomplished awards of its kind. The APEA continues to be strictly regulated and judged, where only the most highly qualified candidates are selected through a stringent, multi-stage and multi-evaluation process, resulting in the APEA being a highly coveted award for entrepreneurs in this region.

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Source: Fusionex