
Fusionex Wins Award at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC) for 4th Consecutive Year

2015-11-18 08:00 1664

ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Fusionex is proud to announce it has won the prestigious award for its innovation, adding on to the impressive list of awards and accolades that it has achieved over the years. This marks the fourth consecutive year that Fusionex has won an award at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC). The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation based on Microsoft's platform.

Left: Mr. Ivan Teh with Mr. Satya Nadella, Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft. Right: Mr. Ivan Teh with Mr. Phil Sorgen, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Worldwide Partner Group. Both pictures were taken at the prestigious award ceremony during the 2015 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference held at the renowned Orange County Convention Center in Orland, Florida, United States
Left: Mr. Ivan Teh with Mr. Satya Nadella, Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft. Right: Mr. Ivan Teh with Mr. Phil Sorgen, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Worldwide Partner Group. Both pictures were taken at the prestigious award ceremony during the 2015 Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference held at the renowned Orange County Convention Center in Orland, Florida, United States

"We are humbled and privileged to receive this award. Last year I mentioned that winning an award at the WPC for 3 years in a row was an amazing feat, but winning for a 4th consecutive year is truly an honor!" comments Ivan Teh, Fusionex CEO and Managing Director. "This win is a testimony to the strength, quality and innovation of our products and solutions. More importantly, the win recognizes the passion, hard work and commitment by the Fusionex team to make this incredible achievement possible. It is only fitting that this award is dedicated to them," continues Teh.

The Microsoft Worldwide Partner Awards honor partners that have demonstrated excellence in delivering Microsoft related solutions to multiple customers over the past year. This award recognizes Fusionex as succeeding in the showcase of innovation and business impact, driving customer satisfaction, and winning new significant customers.

Awards were presented in several categories, with winners chosen from a set of more than 2,300 entrants from 108 different countries worldwide. Fusionex was recognized for providing outstanding multi-award winning software and solutions to its' growing list of global customers.

Fusionex has carved a strong reputation for itself in the area of Analytics, Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT), focusing on helping clients make sense of their data to derive actionable insights. With innovation being at the forefront of Fusionex's culture, it is clear to see that its offerings are designed with flexibility, simplicity and user experience in mind. Business as well as IT users are able to derive value from the utilization of Fusionex's products and solutions.

"We are honored to recognize Fusionex, yet again, as a premier and top partner of Microsoft. Fusionex's dedication and commitment in providing outstanding value for our mutual customers is a prime example of the excellence we see in our talented community of Microsoft partners," said Phil Sorgen, Corporate Vice President, Worldwide Partner Group, Microsoft Corp. "This year's award winners are among the most innovative and valuable in our partner ecosystem. That being said, it came as no surprise when Fusionex's name was announced. We applaud Fusionex on their achievements and for the outstanding value that it continues to provide for customers."

About Fusionex

Fusionex is an established multi-award winning international provider of software solutions, specializing in Business Intelligence, Analytics and Big Data. Its offerings are focused on helping organizations manage, understand and derive value, insights and foresight from data.

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Source: Fusionex