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Content PR & Marketing

  • Seeking to Stand Out from the Crowd? Why a Tailored PR Calendar is a must-have for Content Marketing & SEO Success

    As a marketer, are you frustrated by your team producing great blog content but not being able to drive views and engagement? You are not alone – a research study tracks a million articles and results show that 50 percent receive 8 social media shares or fewer and 75 percent achieved zero referring domain links. So how do marketers boost their blog traffic without paying for the “sugar rush” of paid traffic that is unsustainable over the longer-run? To boost organic traffic, your content must be more relevant and deliver…

    Content PR & Marketing May 21, 2019
  • May 2019 PR Calendar Cheat Sheet – Mother’s Day, Start of Ramadan and Computex

    To optimize businesses’ earned media coverage from press releases, it is essential to plan ahead to launch the right campaigns at the right time when the media is looking out for certain types of stories. Let us take stock of May’s PR Calendar and share why May goes beyond Labour Day and Mother’s Day. When we think about the festivals for the month of May, Labour Day and Mother’s Day tend to crop up first in our mind. Let us take stock of May’s PR Calendar and share why May…

  • April 2019 PR Calendar Cheat Sheet – A Guide to the Right Stories at the Right Time

    The fourth month of the year, April is a sign that spring has definitively arrived. It starts on a light note, with April Fool’s Day and includes occasions for celebration and reflection such as Easter Sunday and Earth Day respectively. To optimize brands’ earned media coverage from press releases, it is essential to plan ahead to launch the right campaigns at the right time when the media is looking out for certain types of stories. To help you get into the swing of April, PR Newswire takes stock of this…

    Content PR & Marketing April 5, 2019
  • Winning Partnerships: Positioning Your Company Behind the Right CSR Causes

    Can a business cancel out its greenhouse gas emissions? Dilmah, a Sri Lankan tea company, with a global presence, announced its carbon neutral status for its products, early this year. Here’s why it matters to the rest of the world: Currently, businesses account for more than half of the world’s electricity consumption. The longer it takes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the climate impact becomes more dramatic: from rising sea levels threatening Pacific islands to extreme weather patterns sparking fierce forest fires. Source: Dilmah Tea Dilmah’s tea production involves a…

    Content PR & Marketing April 5, 2019
  • MWC–Three Positioning Strategies for Innovative Brands

    Mobile World Congress 2019 (MWC19), the mobile industry’s premier event has concluded in Barcelona with the launch of 5G-enabled smartphones, unveiling of new products and services, and demonstration of exciting new applications enabled by 5G technology. As Asian brands are relatively new to the international stage, many international consumers continue to associate these brands with perceptions of lower price and quality. To address these negative perceptions and enhance brand awareness in the target verticals, many Asian brands have been actively positioning themselves as innovative brands. But an “innovative brand” is…

    Content PR & Marketing March 11, 2019