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Content PR & Marketing

  • Five Ways Brands Can Combat Fake News with Press Releases

    There’s no escaping the ever-growing threat of the “fake news” label – for media, and potentially as a huge PR crisis for communicators. According to Cision’s 2017 State of the Media Report, journalists said that regaining trust amidst the rise of misinformation and fake news is one of the greatest challenges facing the media this year. 91% of journalists report that the public trusts them less than before. PR professionals and communicators face the same challenge as the media and must be careful to avoid the appearance of false or deceptive content.…

    Content PR & Marketing April 13, 2017
  • Content Marketing: 55 Proven Ways that will Benefit your Business [Infographic]

    One of the major duties of today’s’ marketing personnel is to create content – be it press releases, blog posts, videos, infographics and etc. In this vast sea of content, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. To play the game smart, here is a comprehensive infographic about content marketing to get you started. Credit:, a guest contributor of PR Newswire Blog.

    Content PR & Marketing March 15, 2017
  • Journalist: To share or not to share, this is the question

    Journalists usually decide whether to look at your press release within a minute’s time by doing a quick scan of the content.  In a Forbes’ article, an interview was conducted with some of the top journalists at publications including The Atlantic, Los Angeles Times, Mashable, Popular Science, Tech Crunch and Yahoo! to find out what really annoys the journalists when reading press releases. Here are the findings:  Do not capitalize every word in a headline “Don’t clear your throat in the subject line — get straight to the point– and…

    Asia Specials February 22, 2017
  • The Digital Evolution of the Humble Press Releases

    As 28 October 2016 marks the 110th anniversary of press releases, we are delighted to share with you some interesting facts on press releases from 1906 to 2016. It has been a solid 110 years since the father of modern public relations created this source of announcement for companies to disseminate their information to the public and media.   [Tweet “The Digital Evolution of the Humble Press Releases”]   However, have you ever wondered who invented the press release? As a marketer who writes press releases from time to time,…

    Asia Specials October 28, 2016
  • When Tweet Went Wrong

    No matter how savvy and experienced your social media team is,  mishaps can happen in the world of social media.  Most of the time, mistakes are harmless, such as typo errors or misspelling of a  name.  It will not be elevated to become a crisis if your followers are sympathetic and when the mistakes are forgivable. Sometimes if they make a mockery of the incident, the tweet might even go viral and generates some branding opportunities (however, exercise with great cautious). On the other hand, if brands offended their followers…

    Content PR & Marketing October 5, 2016