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Content PR & Marketing

  • Top 3 Things to Resolve Before a Crisis Strikes

      Last week, the second media coffee event in 2016 was hosted in Hong Kong with a topic “Crisis Communications in the Digital Age”.  The event was physically attended and viewed via live streaming by over 100 corporate communicators and PR professionals.  Three veteran speakers from the media and public relations industry provided their views, insights and personal experience when dealing with crisis.  The event was recorded and before it becomes available for viewing, the following blog provides a good overview of the fundamental steps that are required to kick start your planning before…

    Asia Specials October 4, 2016
  • Startup PR 101: 7 rules to live by for BETTER media coverage

    The best way for any startup to gain media coverage is to learn from successful entrepreneurs and experienced editors. Gaining insights from Leo Widrich, Co-Founder of Buffer (a software application designed to manage accounts in social networks), Victoria Ho, Editor of Mashable Asia, and Tim Neesham, Editor of PR Newswire Asia, here are 7 ways to get media coverage for your startup. [Tweet “Startup PR 101: 7 rules to live by for BETTER media coverage”] 1) Think like a journalist; learn to tell stories by setting up a blog When…

    Content PR & Marketing August 10, 2016
  • Content we love is quality content: This is why it matters

      A quality company does not just have quality products, or quality marketing, or quality press releases; the best companies have quality everything On July 5 at around 19:00 Beijing time, PRNA editorial received a press release from Shenzhen-based UAV manufacturer DJI headlined ‘DJI Go App Now Includes GEO Geofencing System’. I confess that, being something of a Luddite, I had little to no idea what that meant until I read it, and had it not been for what happened later I would probably have just checked it, processed it,…

    Content PR & Marketing July 25, 2016
  • Why SK-II is Well-Loved by Women Globally

    I recently attended the Digital Publishing Innovation Summit in Singapore, where more than 20 keynote speakers shared their insights on content creation for the new digital age. I had a fruitful session at the summit, with speakers from Skyscanner, Mashable Asia and Marina Bay Sands, etc. sharing with us their successful content and media strategies. Content is appearing everywhere in your email inbox, social media pages and even your old-school letter box, vying for your 10-second worth of attention. So what makes a good content? As I was going through…

    Content PR & Marketing July 21, 2016
  • Startup PR 101: How to Write a Funding-Related Press Release

    “Startup XYZ Raises $10 Million in Series A Funding for a Commercial Project.” “FinTech Startup ABC Closes $2 Million in Series B Funding.” These are some common headlines we see in press releases from startups who received massive funding from investors. Distributing press releases of such nature is important to new startups because It is one of the most cost-effective communication methods; It creates brand awareness, recognition and confidence among target audience as well as potential investors; It helps attract talent to work for you. So what should you look…

    Content PR & Marketing July 11, 2016