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Content PR & Marketing

  • The Earned Media Opportunity

    PR Newswire recently called on Outsell, a research and advisory firm that focuses on the rapid convergence of information, media and technology to conduct an independent research with CMOs and other key marketing decision-makers in the United States on their use of earned media and how earned media plays into paid, owned, and earned aspects of marketing.  The research revealed that the rise of earned media is eroding the growth of paid media.  Although Asia Pacific market was not represented in the research, the findings should be of interest and may…

    Content PR & Marketing July 4, 2016
  • Content We Love: Vivid Sydney’s glow takes over the city

    If the process of writing and submitting a quality press release were as easy as memorizing the law of sines or even the quadratic formula*, just about everyone would be a press release expert. Unfortunately, the process can be complex one fraught with difficulties, especially when the release is an important one. Luckily, PR Newswire has plenty of resources available on its website for those who would like to expedite the process. For those who want one quick tip in terms of what to do in order to possibly attain…

    Content PR & Marketing June 3, 2016
  • A is for Authenticity: Global Study from Cohn & Wolfe Defines Authenticity in the Eyes of Consumers and Reveals the 100 Most Authentic Brands

    Reading about Volkswagen’s emissions scandal last year was like witnessing a chandelier fall and shatter all over the floor. The German carmaker who earned its global reputation for its engineering excellence and reliability was found to be cheating on emissions tests by installing software that could make their cars look cleaner, while they were actually emitting between ten to forty times the legal limit of the major atmospheric pollutant nitrogen oxide. That is a real crash. When I got to this press release Global Study from Cohn & Wolfe Defines…

    Content PR & Marketing May 24, 2016
  • 7 Do’s and Don’ts When Pitching Mashable Asia

    Mashable is currently one of the most popular virtual news websites, producing a wide variety of content ranging from hard news to the latest developments in the technology, entertainment and lifestyle industries, as well as web culture and internet trends in its “Watercooler” section. The site boasts 45 million monthly unique views and is a hit among 18 to 40 year olds. Not long ago, Victoria Ho, Mashable Asia’s Editor, shared her thoughts on changes in the Singapore media landscape and the debate between print and digital media in our…

    Asia Specials April 25, 2016
  • Content we Love: The case of Important matters vs. Matters of importance

    I think it’s fair to say that business news is sometimes pretty boring. Some already rich company gets a little bit richer, a corporation you’ve never heard of appoints a new ABCEO, a new app is released that allows everyone to take even sharper selfies. And just how many safe harbor statements is too many? I am of course being flippant. Along with some complicated science and arguably love, it’s business that keeps the world turning. But not all business news is earnings releases, personnel changes and self-perpetuation of our…

    Content PR & Marketing March 7, 2016