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Content PR & Marketing

  • 6 Tips to Hook Your Audiences with a Holiday Tale

    “How to make a story ‘newsworthy’ to journalists?” That is one of the most frequent questions PR pros wonder. Then here is another popular question: “What if I don’t have anything ‘newsworthy’ happening within my company?” Besides the typical “breaking news” you see on CNN, there are certain events and holidays happening over the course of the year that you can ride on to produce some cheerful stories around your company. From the generally known special days like Halloween to the more unique days like World Emoji Day, there are plenty…

    Content PR & Marketing February 19, 2016
  • Content We Love: “Yeah my son, he’s a… umm… He works in China!”

    LinkedIn takes a peek at some of the modern working world’s most misunderstood jobs [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1299"] Content We Love: LinkedIn looks at one way Singapore businesses are trying to bridge the generation gap[/caption] From Oct. 30, 2015 – I’ve been at my current job for just short of a year, yet only last month did my grandma actually ask me, ‘so what is it you do Timothy (she always calls me Timothy)? Like, what are your day to day duties?’ As an editor working for a news…

    Asia Specials December 8, 2015
  • 3 Ways to Engage Millennials

      Businesses are obsessed with Millennials nowadays, and are often looking for ways to win over this group of tech-savvy, trendsetting, entrepreneurial, and some might even say, entitled and narcissistic consumers. A global benchmark study conducted by Edelman states that there are 1.8 billion Millennials around the world, and by 2025, they will make up 75 percent of the workforce. Their generation has never experienced a world without the Internet and has the ability to influence the buying decisions of other generations. McDonald’s Global Chief Brand Officer, Steve Easterbrook, once said: “The…

    Content PR & Marketing November 6, 2015
  • Content We Love: Mundipharma’s Innovative Use of Gaming Shines Light on Cancer Awareness

    [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="384"] Courtesy of Pawel Kadysz @ Unsplash[/caption] Happiness is when you are drowning in a sea of press releases that need to be handled, and there is one release that instantly catches your attention, because it presents you with a car-racing game to play! So if my supervisor comes to my work station and asks, “Abby, what are you up to here?” I, with eyes-brightening, can legitimately say, “I am checking if a website URL in this client’s press release is opening, and the page features a cool racing game…

    Content PR & Marketing October 30, 2015
  • Content We Love: Using Infographics to Dominate the Competition like a “Terminator” at the Gym

    By Niphon Goodyear One thing that weightlifting has taught me is to NEVER just show up. When it is time to train it’s time to go 100% and for press releases and life in general, you never just want to go through the motions. Go hard or go home. You don’t want to be that guy or girl who goes to the gym and mopes around in the corner doing an occasional set of curls whenever their friends stop replying to them on WeChat. You also don’t want to be…

    Content PR & Marketing September 6, 2015