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Content PR & Marketing

  • The Case of Moleskines: Old-School is Still In

    The below article was written by Celine Wu, the Audience Development Executive for PR Newswire. ———————————————————————————————– With the advent of online notebooks and word processors amongst various other digital solutions, one wonders if old-school traditions remain relevant in The Internet of Everything era. Surprisingly, the answer is yes. The consistent double-digit sale growth of the Moleskine proves the relevancy of traditional tools. Their success lies at the core of their brand; the Moleskine has evolved. The analog now has a digital strategy that has aided its exponential growth, such as…

    Content PR & Marketing August 14, 2015
  • Content We Love – Setting a precedent: Why producing an unexpectedly good press release is only the beginning I do my grocery shopping online, and when I do I always get the same American red apples delivered. I’ve probably bought them every week for the last six months. But the last time they arrived, they were battered, bruised and spongy. I hate soft, grainy apples so even though statistically they’ve been exactly what I wanted 98% of the time, I’m considering not buying them again. As press release editors, as with consumers, the expectations we have can make us complacent, so the good experiences – be it…

    Asia Specials August 5, 2015
  • Chevy’s emoji press release: thumbs up or unamused?

    Who says press releases are old-fashioned and boring? On June 22, Chevrolet published the first-ever emoji-only press release to introduce the new Chevy Cruze. “Words alone can’t describe the new 2016 Chevrolet Cruze,” the company explained, “so to celebrate its upcoming reveal, the media advisory is being issued in emoji, the small emotionally expressive digital images and icons in electronic communication.” Different. Isn’t it? As a 24-year-old millennial who considers herself as quite emoji-literate, I’ve taken the liberty of decoding the first section before I looked at the official translation…

    Content PR & Marketing July 27, 2015
  • Content We Love: A “Dino-mite” Release

    It’s not every day that a release about a dinosaur skull lands in your inbox, and it made me sit up (and make bad dinosaur puns, apologies for the title). The release is about the auction of a 65-million-year-old fossilized Triceratops skull named Lung Wong (or “The Dragon King”), the first of its kind to be sold in Asia. Granted, not every release can feature the magnificence of The Dragon King, but there are successful elements within the release that are applicable to any piece of content: 1.       Hook them…

  • Content We Love: SFCE Announces Strategic Co-operation Agreement with AVIC

    Release link: Press releases that are chosen for the Content We Love blog are chosen from a number of quality candidates because they shine brighter than their counterparts. In a way, the ideas behind each press release is like “star matter” floating in a nebula somewhere in outer space. [caption id="attachment_2989" align="aligncenter" width="179"] Two Objects Dominating the Night Sky[/caption] Writing a press release is similar to how a star forms When the press release writing process begins, the writer’s thoughts become the building blocks and focus creates the “gravity”…

    Asia Specials April 24, 2015