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Content PR & Marketing

  • “Help Me, Help You”: 3 Tips to Pitch Media Successfully

    Remember that scene in Jerry Maguire where Tom Cruise utters one of his famous lines, “help me, help you”? Well, to successfully pitch to the media, you need to essentially channel Jerry Maguire. Help them first: be the solution to the obstacles they’re facing, and they’ll help you. Firstly, what are the issues that are plaguing reporters? Recent surveys have shown that despite the technological advances and fancy workflow programs, 68% of reporters are more unhappy and overworked now than five years ago. Why is this? Workplace satisfaction is dropping,…

    Content PR & Marketing April 23, 2015
  • Content We Love – A Perfect Press Release

    Or at least very close to perfect – I am referring to a press release from Qualcomm in February, with the headline “Qualcomm and China’s National Development and Reform Commission Reach Resolution”, which can be found by clicking on the following link: In 2013, the NDRC opened an antitrust investigation against Qualcomm. Since then, the probe had been closely watched partly because it means so much to the highly competitive smartphone industry. And so, the market has been expecting Qualcomm to come up with a decent press release –…

    Content PR & Marketing April 3, 2015
  • Nivea’s Ad Gaffe: Lessons in Crisis Management

    Ads that play on women’s fears have long had their place in advertising history, and while we think the era of ridiculously sexist vintage ads are over,  sometimes they reincarnate in “subtler” forms such as in NIVEA Singapore’s deodorant ad where the video showed a woman facing disapproval by members of the public because of her darker arm pits, and positioned Nivea’s deodorant as the solution to this “social stigma”. This video was pulled after a few days facing outrage from AWARE Singapore and netizens. For marketers, there are two…

    Asia Specials March 20, 2015
  • Content We Love: Be a Solution for Your Audience in B2B Marketing

    B2B marketing isn’t always understood, in fact sometimes not even amongst marketers themselves. As such, only 51% of marketing leaders found their efforts “somewhat effective”, according to a study jointly conducted by Forrester, Business Marketing Association, and the Online Marketing Institute. The goal for most marketers and businesses increasing their content-marketing budgets is of course to reach that “very effectively” level. The difficulty lies in the execution. According to Forrester VP, Laura Ramos, most businesses focus on talking about themselves rather than the issues their customers are facing. Businesses need…

    Content PR & Marketing March 20, 2015
  • What’s the Difference Between Content Marketing and Brand Journalism?

    For a marketing professional like with over 15 years of working experience, I have always been tempted to throw in the white flag and give up on keeping abreast of new marketing terminologies that pop out every other days, and mind you, that is in addition to the abundant information and social media phenomenals that are bombarding us every second, such as the most recent “the dress viral” that has literally divided everyone in the universe  into two groups -“gold & white” and “blue & black”. So, from Thought Leadership Marketing to the Content Marketing, and…

    Content PR & Marketing March 2, 2015