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Content PR & Marketing

  • The Vagaries of Going Digital: Takeaways from Click Z Live

    When talking about going digital, experts use jargon such as native advertising, ROI, KPI, value proposition, synergy, etc. However, how do we all incorporate this into a coherent, efficient, and on-point digital strategy? The problem of digitizing is not only consumer-oriented; it’s also convincing management what we all know: that digital is an investment towards the future. But you know who gets put in the corner? That kid who doesn’t explain to non-industry professionals the importance of visual viewability or the correct synergy between syndication and distribution and instead, uses…

    Content PR & Marketing September 2, 2014
  • A Visual Today Keeps the Patients Awake: The Top 3 Changes in Digital Healthcare Communications

    The healthcare industry in Asia is predicted to reach USD 2.21 trillion in 2018. Given the potential and the stakes involved, marketers need to pay close attention and adapt to changes in the industry by simplifying and digitally communicating niche and highly specialized information to patients. To practice what we preach, here are three simple ways to start rethinking your healthcare strategy digitally:   1. Go Visual: In order for healthcare professionals to convey highly specialized information to consumers, multimedia and visual tools specifically, are the key to health literacy.…

    Asia Specials August 12, 2014
  • Safeguarding Brand Visibility on Social Networks

    [caption id="attachment_1670" align="aligncenter" width="2998"] Source: We Are Social’s Social, Digital & Mobile in APAC in 2014 report[/caption] Asia-Pacific covers over half the world’s active social media users, so it’s no wonder many businesses invest in social media. However, with technology advancing and social media networks competing for a bigger piece of the pie in the social space, it is crucial not to put all your eggs in one basket and safeguard brand visibility – make your website or blog the center of your brand’s online universe. Sarah Skerik, PR Newswire’s vice president…

    Content PR & Marketing July 7, 2014
  • Asia will Drive Future Growth in Business Travel

    According to an Oxford Economics study commissioned by Amadeus: Shaping the Future of Travel, they predict that Asia-Pacific’s overnight visitor flows will nearly double the rate of that in 2002-2012 and that Asia will drive future growth in business travel. [caption id="attachment_1568" align="aligncenter" width="797"] Source: Oxford Economics report commissioned by Amadeus:Shaping the Future of Travel[/caption] With such compelling data, is your branded content being seen or discovered by travelers? One of the most important channels that marketers should not overlook is “search.” Bronwyn White, director of, at the EyeforTravel…

    Asia Specials June 10, 2014
  • Let’s Get Emotional: Values that Resonate Emotionally with Asian Audiences

    Research conducted by Jonah Berger and Katherine Milkman shows that there is a direct correlation between how viral a piece of content becomes and how much emotion it evokes. The top 10 emotions that drive content-sharing are positive ones, such as amusement, happiness, hope, affection, and excitement. [caption id="attachment_1480" align="alignleft" width="300"] Source: WhoIsHostingThis?[/caption] However, these emotions may not be evoked in the same ways that strike a chord in America or the UK.  Different themes and cultural values may be the different triggers for these emotions. Despite a slow erosion of…

    Content PR & Marketing April 15, 2014