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Content PR & Marketing

  • PR is 80% more effective than content marketing

    Take a look at the below article that was originally published by Sarah Skerik on our sister blog “Beyond PR” on 26 Mar 2014. Sarah makes a clearer distinction between PR and content marketing, and how there are opportunities between PR pros and marketers, in taking important tactics from each other to improve their campaigns and not work in silos. ____ [caption id="attachment_1466" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Source: InPowered & Nielsen[/caption] According to a recent study sponsored by InPowered and conducted by Nielsen, content marketing is 88% less effective than public relations, due in large part to…

    Content PR & Marketing March 27, 2014
  • Paid, Posted, Delivered: What Does the Growth of Native Advertising Mean for Press Releases?

    The blending of paid content into newspapers or magazines in a way that can be difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish from independently reported stories – took a landmark step in US media this January when the New York Times greeted readers with a digital redesign and, to greater buzz, the launch of a “paid posts” feature, a variation of what is more frequently referred to as “native advertising”. While native advertising is by no means a new trend, many journalists and media watchers reacted to the Times’ move with…

    Content PR & Marketing February 14, 2014
  • Communication Practices of Honeywell, a Large B2B MNC

    Lydia Lu, Asia Communication VP, Honeywell, shared Honeywell’s best practices of corporate communication at the PR Newswire 2013 New Communication Annual Summit. Her presentation inspired B2B communication professionals who were present at the event. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="230"] Lydia Lu, Asia Communication VP, Honeywell at the PR Newswire 2013 New Communication Annual Summit.[/caption] Lydia started the presentation by providing an overview of Honeywell. In hotel rooms, one can often see the Honeywell’s name on the room’s thermostat. When Honeywell started its business, the company focused only on temperature and automation…

    Content PR & Marketing January 10, 2014
  • Promoting Asian brands in the United States

    I have been looking for insights for a session that I will be hosting at the SES Singapore Conference, I want to prepare myself with one particular question I usually get at industry events and client meetings: Can you name a few Asian brands who have promoted themselves well? It is a difficult question to answer – not that I want to be diplomatic, but because some Asian brands are doing better in one area than the other in terms of communications, marketing, branding and more; and because of the heterogeneous media landscape and market…

    Asia Specials November 27, 2013
  • The secret of marketing?

    An Interview with Ben Veechai  (Regional Director, International Marketing, UBM Asia) As marketers, we strive to learn more all the time – learn more about the customers, the latest technology, our competitors, the macro-economy, our business & new products, and so much more. One of the things I enjoy as the marketer for PR Newswire is that I get to know and meet communications professionals from all types of industries, and I thought it would be useful if I can ask them to share their secret source of marketing, so we…

    Asia Specials November 1, 2013