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Content PR & Marketing

  • How Effective Is Video For Your Business? Contribute to our regional survey and get priority access to the report

      How important is video for your organization? How do you share video content on social and mobile channels? In today’s digital world, there are so many ways for a business to communicate a message to their audience. Video is proving to be one of the most effective online marketing tools for businesses, not only for creating brand awareness but for driving engagement which leads to sales. Our own research shows a 77% increase in engagement if video and multimedia are embedded in a press release. Internet users are not…

    Content PR & Marketing July 26, 2013
  • Every Company is a Media Company

    Any company can become a media company, and any individual can become a publisher. In an era where there are abundant channels and tools to create, publish, distribute and re-use content, we as individuals are no doubt part of the reason why brands and businesses are pushed to publish media-quality content to engage us. We consume content not only from traditional media, but also from businesses and people. Every company is catching up with (or even better, embracing) digital channels, fueling online avenues with branded content, trying to maximize their…

    Asia Specials July 19, 2013
  • 13 Tactics for PR to Influence SEO

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is gaining increasing importance for PR professionals and those who seek to maximize a brand’s online visibility. Besides having a SEO-friendly website structure, creating and populating quality online content – what we practice in PR, is also critical for SEO. Based on Cheryl Conner’s The 15 Steps To ‘Power SEO’ (PR Is The New SEO) on, we created this inforgraphic to provide a quick step-by-step guide on some of the useful tactics you could practice to power SEO. [caption id="attachment_970" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Click on the…

    Content PR & Marketing July 5, 2013
  • The Anatomy of a Press Release

    Our team came up with a tactical guide for formatting press releases, we created this anatomy of a press release infographic with insights from press release results and search engine optimization professionals. From adding a catchy headline, to incorporating visuals and quotes, this is all explained in the diagram to help you draw readers to your press release. [caption id="attachment_964" align="aligncenter" width="734"] Click on the infographic to view the whole two-page guide.[/caption] Joanna Yip is the Marketing Communications Manager for PR Newswire.

    Content PR & Marketing July 4, 2013
  • Be Brief!

      If content is king, then a consumer’s attention span is his fickle, cruel mistress. The always entertaining Farhad Manjoo over at Slate recently explored just how much content is actually consumed by visitors to their website every day, and the results are startling. Here are the big highlights of what they found (because we don’t want you leaving before getting to the good stuff): 5% of visitors to a web page will not look at anything other than a headline or photo. 43% of visitors will leave after reading…

    Content PR & Marketing June 21, 2013