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Content PR & Marketing

  • How to Optimize your Press Release for Google

      Imagine Google as a beautiful girl. You want to win her heart, so you shower her with attention and ply her with gifts in hopes that she will ignore her other suitors and pick you. But things go wrong. You grow obsessed, appearing at her door in the middle of the night with a brain surgeon after she complained earlier of a slight headache, and she ditches you. Instead, she falls for the man who charms her grandmother and wins over her friends. That is how search engine optimization…

    Content PR & Marketing June 18, 2013
  • How do you integrate public relations and marketing efforts?

    There are new product launches every day in all parts of the world. If you’re in charge of a global product launch, how do you make sure you reach the right audience, at the right time, through the right channels, on a globally scale? RØDE Microphones faced this challenge earlier this year. They are pioneers in the audio industry in the design, manufacture, installation and servicing of audio products. Since opening for business in 1967, they have never produced a consumer product. However early this year they decided to crack…

    Content PR & Marketing May 23, 2013
  • Marketing and PR: The Lines Have Blurred

      For the diligent members of the marketing and PR workforce, the digital era has caused the lines between their formerly distinct roles to blur. On Wednesday, March 6, PR Newswire CEO Ninan Chacko spoke before Beijing members of the American Chamber of Commerce as part of the organization’s Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Forum (MAP) to try and elucidate the changes within and challenges posed to two industries that increasingly overlap. Also presenting: Thomas Mattia, Chairman of the Daniel J. Edelman China Group, June Jin, chief marketing officer and…

    Content PR & Marketing March 15, 2013
  • Q: Why Should I Send a Press Release?

    A: There have been many discussions over recent years about the death of the press release, and while I’ll be the first to admit that the press release has evolved during this time, it certainly hasn’t died. The press release is indeed alive and kicking, and if you are one of the few who truly believe that your organisation can live without sending press releases, here’s what you’re missing:   1. Press Releases can be the Foundation of Your Content Marketing Content marketing is about driving profitable consumer actions. In…

    Content PR & Marketing September 24, 2012
  • #Infographic of the Week: The Inbound Marketing Funnel

      This week, I’ve decided to take a break from storytelling and content marketing and bring you something a little different: The Inbound Marketing Funnel. Created by First10 and Smart Insights, my #Infographic of the Week highlights the five steps of inbound marketing – plan, reach, act, convert and engage. For those who don’t know much about inbound marketing, it’s essentially the opposite of outbound marketing. Outbound marketing is about cold calls and trying to get your foot in the door in the hope of making your target like you,…

    Content PR & Marketing August 29, 2012