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Content PR & Marketing

  • #Infographic of the Week: Content Creation

      As my ongoing quest for great infographics continues, it seems I am running into more and more about how to master content marketing. While content marketing has been at the forefront of many minds for the last few years, it’s clear that as Google continues to revamp its search algorithms, even more focus is being centred on how to make good, quality content that can be both found and shared. And, if you are one of the small number of  marketers that isn’t thinking about this…oops! Created by Designbysoap, my #Infographic…

    Content PR & Marketing August 8, 2012
  • #Infographic of the Week: The Gold Standard of Content Marketing

    In my ongoing quest for quality infographics, I love it when I come across one that simplifies a process many before have over complicated. Content marketing is a hot topic these days and with 3 in 5 content marketers spending more on content marketing in 2012, as highlighted by this infographic, it’s clear that if you want your content to get found, read and shared online, you need to be thinking about this stuff too. As the team at NewsReach point out, “Content Marketing is about the most effective way…

    Content PR & Marketing May 15, 2012
  • #Infographic of the Week: Storytelling v Corporate Speak

      I read a blog post today on emerging PR trends, and within a few hours of reading that post by Sarah Skerik I came across this infographic, which highlights one of the key trends Sarah raised in her post – “storytelling.” The infographic was created by The Hoffman Agency, and as Lou Hoffman noted, it was designed to show the “gap between the content developed by the PR function and the type of content needed by journalists, bloggers and other influencers.” As Sarah points out, “Stories are sticky, stories…

  • #Infographic of the Week: Creating Valuable Content

      I’ve seen even more infographics than usual over the last week, but I’ve chosen this somewhat older one based on a few things: 1. We all know the importance of content and despite numerous blog posts and infographics about content, this is one of the simplest and more informative graphics I’ve seen; 2. It’s 100% accurate; and 3. When thinking about what we do here at PR Newswire, I couldn’t help but give a smile when I first saw this, as our team of content specialists works tirelessly to…

    Content PR & Marketing April 23, 2012
  • #Infographic of the Week: Content Marketing Explosion

      Content is all about creating value for your audience. Content marketing is about creating original and shareable content that helps deliver results, and with an ever-increasing number of tools and platforms available to marketers, content marketing has found a new lease of life over the last 12 months. Organizations of all sizes are realizing the power of content marketing as a way to build brand awareness, acquire new customers and leads and retain customers, and this is achieved by getting good-quality content out into the digital space. The below…

    Content PR & Marketing April 1, 2012