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Content PR & Marketing

  • #Infographic of the Week: Press Release Optimization in 7 Easy Steps

    The below infographic provides seven easy steps for effectively optimizing your press release, and was created by our very own Jamie Heckler. The reason I chose this as our first-ever #Infographic of the Week is because it highlights how issuing a press release doesn’t need to be a gamble. Carefully created content and accurate targeting is good SEO that will help ensure your message is heard by the people that it was intended for. Read the associated post, in all its glory, at our global Beyond PR blog.  

    Content PR & Marketing March 23, 2012
  • 101 Things About China – #2 – Online Video Sites

    Following yesterday’s big announcement that Youku and Tudou are to merge, it seems an ideal time to discuss a growing segment of China’s media landscape – online video sites. With the merger seen as the first step in a larger move towards consolidation, the online video sites are set for some interesting times ahead, but their position will only be strengthened by the growing number of internet users, increased online advertising spend and the continued blocking of western video sites like YouTube. 513 Million Internet Users; Market Scale of Online…

    China Comprehensive March 13, 2012