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New Media

  • Paid, Posted, Delivered: What Does the Growth of Native Advertising Mean for Press Releases?

    The blending of paid content into newspapers or magazines in a way that can be difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish from independently reported stories – took a landmark step in US media this January when the New York Times greeted readers with a digital redesign and, to greater buzz, the launch of a “paid posts” feature, a variation of what is more frequently referred to as “native advertising”. While native advertising is by no means a new trend, many journalists and media watchers reacted to the Times’ move with…

    Content PR & Marketing February 14, 2014
  • 101 Things About China – #7 – Tencent, QQ and China’s Largest Online Community

    If you live in China, you have almost certainly heard of Tencent and QQ. If you don’t, and you haven’t, this post is definitely for you. Before I even arrived in China, I was hearing from family and friends about QQ, an instant messaging system, and how popular it is in China. However, it wasn’t until I got here that I realized just how big Tencent actually is, and how important a role its platforms like QQ play in the day-to-day lives of consumers. If companies and marketers are looking…

    China Comprehensive July 27, 2012
  • 101 Things About China – #6 – How to Get Noticed Online

    With around 520 million internet users now in China, getting noticed online is obviously going to be tough, and it’s even tougher if you don’t understand online PR and content marketing in China. With the “Great Firewall of China” blocking many of the English social media sites, Chinese users are very much restricted in how they can access some of your content; not to mention that the vast majority of searches are done in Mandarin Chinese. It’s therefore vitally important that you get your messages out through as wide a…

    China Comprehensive May 4, 2012