#Infographic of the Week: Creating Valuable Content
I’ve seen even more infographics than usual over the last week, but I’ve chosen this somewhat older one based on a few things: 1. We all know the importance of content and despite numerous blog posts and infographics about content, this is one of the simplest and more informative graphics I’ve seen; 2. It’s 100% accurate; and 3. When thinking about what we do here at PR Newswire, I couldn’t help but give a smile when I first saw this, as our team of content specialists works tirelessly to help our clients with each and every step mentioned here. Let me explain:
Findable – All of your content distributed over PR Newswire is in XHTML format. Rather than bore you with the details, what this means is that your press releases are distributed with hl1 and hl2 tags and other key metadata.
Readable – Our team of content specialists are exactly that. If we think your content could be improved, we’ll let you know. My team’s job is no longer just about finding grammar mistakes; it’s about helping you produce content that readers will be able to understand and enjoy.
Understandable – Ditto. This is even more obvious here in Asia, as we look to offer support for clients who may be writing in a non-native language. We’re also making recommendations on a daily basis about when to use photos and videos to add greater meaning and clarity to content.
Actionable – All press releases distributed via PR Newswire need appropriate contact information so interested parties can take action and follow-up. Our site also has links to previous announcements from the source company, and we always encourage clients to include anchor text and their company’s website address. After all, driving traffic back to your company’s website is undoubtedly one of your goals.
Shareable – PR Newswire’s websites include numerous social media buttons to allow people to share content they find interesting. Our multimedia (Tudou, Youku, PPLive, etc.) and social media (Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, etc.) distributions also ensure maximum potential for your content to be shared online. All you need to do, as the client, is have an interesting story to tell. We’ll help do the rest.
It’s for these excellent reasons that the below is my #Infographic of the Week: